Together, artisans, artists, architects, and designers can exchange information, pass on knowledge, and create new designs that meet the needs of our local communities and their ever-changing cultural tastes, while also- as a result of creating new designs- developing artisanal skills and techniques involved in the traditional making of handicraft products. such collective collaboration can play a significant role in preserving the Damascene Wood Mosaic's sustainability as a living cultural heritage, thus, enhancing socioeconomic sustainability at the local level and enriching cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization at the international level.
On this page, design professionals can explore the terrains of the Damascene Wood Mosaic traditional craftsmanship through the incorporated interactive design taxonomy model that encompasses craft history, design identity, fabrication processes, and best craft practice. Understanding these aspects of the DWM will play a significant role in maintaining the authenticity of the craft, as well as its cultural relevance to its communities upon the embarkment of new design development.Also on this page, design professionals have access to download CAD assets of traditional handicraft products, as well as having access to an interactive mould which has been designed to enhance their understanding of the various design elements involved in the identity shaping of DWM.